1·The database instances that exist today in large enterprise infrastructures started with an infrastructure as a service platform using license agreements that already exist.
2·The purpose of these diagrams is to convey the different points in the protocol stack at which intermediaries might exist between a client and a service.
3·For the purpose of this example, assume that the service interfaces for each airline to return a frequent flyer's miles already exist and are well known.
4·The data handler parsed the file, constructed a message and invoked the target service as many times as entries exist in the password file.
5·The server service principal should exist in KDC database.
服务器服务主体应该在 KDC 数据库中。
6·Second, when you convert a partial feed into a full feed, you are actually creating a new RSS feed and this will only exist as long as the conversion service is in business.
7·Figure 1 shows some typical data quality problems that can exist and that can complicate service design.
8·The software providing the business service could exist without the existence of the utility service.
9·We like standards because they make developing service requesters and providers a lot simpler and faster, given the tooling and run time support that exist for the standards.
10·BlackBerry users suffered through a service outage all this week, stranding most of Washington D.C. and a fair portion of lower Manhattan without a real reason to exist.